Harper's Old Country Store

Established 1902

29 Allegheny Drive

Seneca Rocks, West Virginia 26884

Telephone: 304-567-2586

Winter hours: 8am to 7pm, Sunday through Thursday
  Friday and Saturday, closing at 8pm

Store and Seneca Rocks location map

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Harper's Old Country Store is the oldest business, continuously run by the same family, in its original location, in West Virginia. It is owned and operated by the Harper family of Seneca Rocks, the fifth generation of Harpers since the store's founding in 1902.

View a slideshow of the previous owner-operators of the store:

Harper's Old Country Store still retains its general store ancestry, with a nod to the increased visitation to the the Seneca Rocks area. The interior is a museum of times past.

Upstairs, the Front Porch Restaurant is open for lunch and dinner year around.